(Back to ARTICLES) A must for every expat child (and those who love them) By Mary van der Boon (this review first appeared in the XPat Journal) When abroad do as local children do Oris guide for young expats By Hilly van Swol-Ulbrich and Bettina Kältenhauser When abroad do as the local children do - Oris guide for young expats reaches out to all internationally mobile families with young children to help these children make sense of the move and their new surroundings. Dedicated to all migrating birds, large and small the books delightful comparison of children to migrating birds is sure to enchant expat children everywhere. The many activities and projects in the book encourage expat children to take the initiative in exploring the opportunities offered by their new environment. The books workbook format invites the expat child to participate fully in the move by tapping the childs own creative energy. The expat child is encouraged to reflect upon both the changes that are taking place, as well as to prepare for the challenges that lay ahead. The colourful and friendly Ori leads his young readers through the book, guiding them through the many different phases they will encounter, from preparing for the move to looking back on their overseas experience. ![]() By reading and completing the exercises together, parents, relatives, teachers and counsellors can gain insight into the feelings of the expatriate children in their care. One section is devoted to helping those concerned with the welfare of expat children in designing a personal action plan implementing the many playful-yet-practical suggestions offered to help children to adjust to, and enjoy, their lives abroad. |